Computer Simulation | MyPaperHub

This section accounts for equipment ideas within the computer simulation as a method of training. Physic which is a mathematical modeling in fields like engineering, astronomy, chemistry, biology, social sciences, they has become essential to human beings due to the help of computer simulations. Computer simulation has been used to explore new technologies employed by NASA-National Aeronautics and Space Administration that performs complex analytical system. Production workers and training development due to computer simulation as a method of training development have enabled production workers to benefit where they receive competent salaries with a broadly benefits and retirement packages which enhance productivity, best performance, and numerous achievements. (Medina, 2016)

     Computer simulation in various fields of science have many merits such as The Agency Protection of U.S Environment has applied computer simulation where their production workers focus on hydrology for controlling the river water quality analysis. Drug molecular model discovery is also a benefit reaped from the use of computer simulation in the medical drug field. In the environment like engineering and physics using computer simulation, assembled in Java in conjunction with Java Easy Simulation for monitoring Graphical settings libraries in circumstances where equations have to be implemented again with validity. (Gubbins, 2017).

     Disadvantages of using computer simulation are: functions and formula used may not necessities the precise representations of the system leading to misappropriate output from the simulation, poor knowledge of how certain physical systems operate lacking sufficient data in production of an appropriate mathematical simulation model hence hindering possibility of creating simulation that may prevent tsunami and earthquake effects from occurring.

     Rupture dynamic simulation which is a physical process in a numerical model which is concerned with controlling of earthquakes is a study that has been made possible by the use of computer simulation. (Medina, 2016)


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